小芳心中一沉,但她还是礼貌地回答:"谢谢你告诉我,那就代我跟八戒说声谢谢。"面对着家人的苦衷,傅凌漓只能咬紧牙关答应了这个契约婚姻。她和杨宇辰结婚后,发现自己成为了这个富豪家族最不受宠的弃妃。One sunny afternoon, Cindy on her way to work collided with a young man named Ethan. Their books flew out of their hands, causing a chaotic scene on the busy street. As Cindy and Ethan locked eyes, an instant connection sparked between them. The air crackled with electricity, and they felt like they had known each other forever.